What We Do

Innovative wastewater treatment, testing and sustainable sludge drying
First Philippine Integrated Wastewater Solution Inc. is a company delivering innovative wastewater testing and treatment systems, and sustainable sludge drying solutions worldwide. We have developed integrated wastewater solutions including Modular Sewage Treatment Plants of varying capacities as well as a Sustainable Sludge Management Systems and matched it with state-of-the art testing equipment.
  • Proteus Test Unit

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  • The Klargester BioDisc standalone sustainable wastewater treatment system treats primary wastewater quickly and efficiently, and delivers an improved biological process and overall treatment efficiency. With its unique flow management system, it can be adapted to manage seasonal fluctuations, with negligible power requirements  and no waste.

    The Sludge Drying Bed is designed to treat the sludge coming from existing sewerage treatment plants to give maximum efficiency in sludge drying and management. The liquid that has been removed during the de-watering process passes World Health Organisation standards for irrigation.

    The innovative Proteus test unit can successfully and reliably measure BOD, COD and faecal coliforms for permanent and temporary applications and safely monitor levels in real-time.

    Sustainable wastewater treatment

    Efficient sludge 
    de-watering & recycling

    Testing - no chemicals in real-time 

    Health and Hygiene

    The World Health Organization in 2020 have stated that the provision of safe water, sanitation and hygienic conditions is essential to protecting human health during all infectious disease outbreaks, including the COVID-19 outbreak.

    First Philippines Integrated Wastewater Solution Inc:
    • Provides the management practices that ensure wastewater is sufficiently treated and safely reused
    • Delivers a Sustainable, Integrated, Efficient and Scientifically Proven Technology. 
    • Our products include Modular Sewage Treatment Plant (Klargester), Sludge Drying Bed and Real Time Sampling & Testing (Proteus)
    • Full compliance with all international standards 
    Our products prevent poorly treated wastewater getting into the food chain

    01 Health

    Safety sanitation:
    1. Wastewater has been identified by UNESCO as a major threat to the Environment 
    2. Tens of thousands of people die per day from lack of proper sewerage according to WHO 
    3. A very high percentage of all health problems worldwide are water borne

    02 Sustainability 

    Our sustainable practises help : 
    1. Environmental impact: emissions to air, water and land, climate change impact and energy use; 
    2. Social impact: potential nuisance (e.g. odour, noise, traffic), public perception and food safety; 
    3. Financial impact: life cycle costs, energy cost and recovery, reliability of technology

    03 Solutions

    First Philippine delivers systems that: 
    1. Provide an all-in-one wastewater treatment and managerment solution
    2. Manage sludge from existing secondary treatment plants
    3. Provide real-time testing and sampling


    • Integrated Waterwater Solution systems comply with the World Health Organisation standards for water for irrigational re-use, "Category A”.
    • Compliant with SB Marine Discharge Standard of BOD at 30mg/litre and Suspended Solids at 70mg/litre.
    • The treated wastewater from our Klargester is within these standards and are validated by the German Testing Institute for Wastewater Technology as BOD at 10mg/litre; Suspended Solids at 15mg/litre
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