Pressure Sewer System (Grinder Pump)

Low pressure sewer (LPS) systems offer new freedom in solving many problem situations that have defied reasonably economical solutions using the conventional approach.

 A pressure sewer system uses small-diameter pipes and grinder pumps, which are often installed at each home. The grinder pump station collects all of the wastewater from the home and grinds it into slurry. The wastewater is then pumped to a larger sewer main or directly to a wastewater treatment plant.

Advantages of Low Pressure Sewer (LPS) Systems

LPS systems have low initial (front end) cost compared to gravity systems, which have nearly all the total investment allocated in the first stage. With the LPS system, grinder pump costs are incurred only as construction progresses. These costs will be deferred for many years in certain types of development programs.

An LPS system is not subject to infiltration from ground water or from surface storm water entering through leaking pipe joints and manholes. With zero infiltration, treatment plants need not be sized to handle the peak flow rates caused by infiltration. Treatment efficiencies can be more consistent, and treatment plant operating costs decrease.

An LPS system may become the critical factor in determining whether “marginal” land can be economically developed. Many attractive sites have been considered unsuitable for development because of the excessive costs typically associated with conventional sewer systems — sites with hilly terrain, land with negligible slope, high water tables, poor percolation characteristics, rock, seasonal occupancy or low population density.


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